Monday, June 15, 2009

How To Study Mathematics
You can learn mathematics better if you do certain things. A lot of people never learn these basic approaches that can open up the world of math.

1. Learn the vocabulary!
Every area of Math has its own vocabulary. You should memorize every definition, word for word. (Don't leave anything out.) You should be able to recite them. If you can recite them, and if you can write them all out, then you know them. If you can't do that, then you don't know them. This might sound like a lot of work, but it is nothing compared to the memorizing in history or geography.
2. Try to work the problems and do the exercises, at least some of them.
If there is a sample problem in your book, or an example problem, work through it yourself,
and use the sample in your book to guide you.
3. Identify the error.
If you make a mistake in a problem, or in a proof, or take a wrong turn, figure out why! Figure
out what it was, or what it was that you were thinking, that led you down the wrong path
4. Avoid the risk of frustration.
Don't go on in your book until you have learned the material where you are now. The later stuff builds on the earlier stuff. A math book is like a novel, it doesn't make sense unless you start at the beginning.
5. Write down your question, if you don't understand a specific concept.
By identifying what you need to learn, you'll speed up the learning process.
6. Be able to explain it to somebody else.
This is a sure way to find out what you don't understand.

Don't be afraid to ask for help from someone who has been doing math for a long time or is further along.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself. Realize that many have struggled with the same areas you are learning. Some people just take longer to understand math. Eventually, with enough, perserverance, you can succeed in math.

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