Friday, January 15, 2010

Write Words on Calculators?

This is a fun activity to do when you are bored in your Math class!

Calculator Words. Type 200 Words Using A Simple Calculator - These bloopers are hilarious
Use a calculator to find these words by doing the following calculations and then turning your calculator upside down.
a. 3357 -2223 to get a place you wouldn’t go to. (………………..…….)
b. 300 000 + 18 830 to get a girl’s name. (…………………..….)
c. 85 423 + 294 496 to get something you might do if you’re happy or embarrassed about something. (…………………..….)
d. 6411 − 897 to get a noise you wouldn’t want to hear while bushwalking. (………..…………….)
e. 63 552 ÷ 64 to get something you eat. (…………………..….)
f. 203 × 15 to get something you wear. (……………..……….)
g. 52 043 ÷ 71 to get an animal. (………………..…….)
h. 52 360 ÷ 17 to get a musical instrument. (…..………………….)
i. 4417 x 8 to get some animals. (………………..…….)
j. 923 x 5 to get something you need your breath to do. (……..……………….)
k. 23 x 19 + 7301 to get something you often hear at school. (……..……………….)
l. 888 888 ÷ 2 – 65 638 to get something you shouldn’t do when you eat. (……..……..………..)
m. 4536 ÷ 81 + 261 to get something you should never do. (……………….……..)
n. 237 023 x 2 ÷ 421 x 2 + 4853 to get something you find in the garden. (……….……………..)
o. 6716 ÷ 73 x 125 136 ÷ 16 – 642 187 to get something you may find on the beach. (………………….…..)
p. 7 + 700 + 7000 + 10 000 + 300 000 + 5 000 000 to get something that you shouldn’t eat too much of. (……..……………....)

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